Monday, October 4, 2010


This is my first posting! I decided to blog about the adventures I have during my veterinary science degree in Australia.
I am currently in 3rd yr and alot of interesting things have happened.

I recently came back from my beef placement  in Willow Tree, NSW, which i had a great time! 

We departed Sydney on a Sunday afternoon to try and get there around 8ish as it took just over 4 hours to get there. Once we were off at around 4pm, Kelly realised she forgot her contacts solution so we decided to go to the mall and quickly buy some. But then we couldnt find a parking spot and we started to panic that we would arrive late, so Kelly was thinking that I should drive in circles in the parking lot....mind you I do not have a driver's licence! I have just recently been having driving lessons =O.
Then eventually we thought of me running out to get the solution while Kelly drives around the parking lot! After that panic attack, we finally are off to our placement in Willow Tree. The trip was non eventful till we were getting close to the farm. By this time, the roads were pitch black as there are no street lamps. We got a little lost since we weren't sure where we should turn to reach the farm. So i called the farm and they gave us instructions but the reception wasn't all that great so before i could get the full instructions, the phone kept cutting off!
Eventually we arrived our destination and the owner was very welcoming and even made us pizza for dinner before we went to bed for the night.

On the first day a cow squashed my hand while i was trying to vaccinate her in the crush. But lucky enough i broke no bones and got a bruise and swollen hand with a broken vaccination gun. The farmer was very nice and him and his wife took good care of me and Kelly. We had good food and wine and it felt more like a vacation. He even taught me how to drive a manual Ute when I don't even have a drivers licence yet!
Herding the cattle was quite fun in itself using a quad bike to herd them as well as their trusty kelpies (Chips and Chico) that helped herd them alot quicker.

We pretty much did the same stuff day after day for 4 days : vaccinate the cows and calves, ear tagging, ear marking and castrating the calves, moving them to fresh pastures. We were suppose to work there for 5 days, but we pretty much did everything we needed to do in 4 days so on the 5th day we didn't do much. The farmer showed us this antique wool presser which was made of wood and had to be used manually! It was very tiring and took alot of time to press 1 bale of wool!

We then decided to take a walk in the pastures to see some cross bred sheep which were called ' Dorbers' or something like that, they had a black face and white body. We tried to corner them and we found that they had the cutest lambs with them, so we caught one which was lagging behind the herd and took some pictures with it. Later on, we decided that we had enough and put down the poor little lamb. But to our horror, the lamb started to follow me! Oh no, she thinks i'm her mother...crap. So we spent probably another half hr to an hr chasing after the mob of sheep trying to get them to take the poor little lamb with them....once i got close to a sheep with her lamb, i put the lamb down and quickly ran away as fast as i could so the lamb couldnt follow me, and we got the sheep to move towards the lamb and it was happily ever after. *Phew*

Now I am back in Sydney, for the long weekend to study for a midterm i have on tues and coping with my sore hand. I am obviously procrastinating at the moment. But who doesn't!

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